Wellness Memberships
Affordable Solutions for Chiropractic Care, Physical Therapy, and Massage Therapy
At Minneapolis Health & Wellness NE, we want to make our services available to you no matter what your situation might be. Our goal is to get you out of pain and on the road to recovery. Most of our services are typically covered by insurance –– while active treatment is underway. But often when maintenance the phase begins, insurance ends. (There are exceptions, of course. Plans can vary a lot!) We have developed these memberships to help make the maintenance phase of your care more affordable.
Simply select the kind of care that’s best for you to stay healthy. There are options for the number of visits. You pay one monthly fee. (Both 6- and 12-month contracts are available.)
Note: We do in fact have other cash pay packages for care if you find yourself needing a cash pay option. Please call us.